Pagan Days Of The Week

This may surprise you or may not but the 7 days of the week we have know comes from paganism. The days used to be named after God’s and Goddess of old.

MONDAY – Moon Day

Monday or moon day as it used to be known was named after the godesse of the moon. This would be great time the week to pray to the Goddess. Maybe do some moon magic ejspecially if its a full moon great time to make some blessed moon water.


Tyr day or Tuesday as its known today was named after the norse god war. He also dates back to germanic times named after the god of war and sky. Tuesday maybe good time to reflect and pray about battles to come. He’s also linked to the planet Mars.


Wednesday was originaly named after the nordic god odin. Odin was the king of asgard and also a good of wisdom, poetry, magic and death. He is also linked to the origins of the stockings at Xmas time. At a certain time of the year known as yule one of the eight Sabbats children would leave there shoes out full of staw and carrots he would ride on the Sleipnir his eight legged horse leave gifts behind.

Thursday – THORS DAY

Thursday or THORS DAY was named after the norse god Thor God of thunder. Thor was son of odin was said to control lighting with his massive hammer. Thor was recently brought back into spot light in the form of the movie seen.


Friday used to be known as frayja day or Freya day. Freya was odins wife and Goddess of beauty, love, fertility.


Saturday was named Saturn’s Day named after the good saturn. Was also linked to bathing and washing. Also used to be the last day of the week as Sunday used to be the 1st.

Sunday – Sun Day

Sunday used to be Sun’s day or day the sun and the only day really to stay the same from days of old. A day named after the sun god. Sunday used to be the 1st day of the week.


It’s important to remember that wicca is a religion formed from old pagan beliefs and traditions. It’s also important to learn the ways wicca has an impact on today which I may do an article on in near future. Monday and Sunday you could argue are important days. Monday used to be name moons day a day of the Goddess of the moon possible the Goddess we follow in wicca. Sunday was name day of the sun, a day to worship the sun god in wicca the sun god is also the horned god. So wicca can be linked to the days of the week.