Basics Of Wicca

“An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will”

Wiccan rede

Wicca is a religion that is based on old pagan beliefs. As wiccans we celebrate Sabbats, pray to our God and Goddess, follow the wheel of the year amongst other things. Some wiccans practice in witch craft althoe you don’t have to to be a Wiccan and although we don’t have so say a set of laws we follow the Wiccan rede which is a code we follow.


As wiccans we celebrate 8 Sabbats in the year these festivals follow the changing of the Seasons, the story of the God and Goddess, and the wheel of the year.

God And Goddess


The horned god or horn God is the male aspect of wicca also represented by the sun. He is represented by many names for example pan, Cernunnos, herne.


The Goddess in wicca is the female aspect of wicca and has three aspects the maiden, mother and crone which is also represented by three stages of the moon cycle.

Some wiccans choose to worship other gods and Goddess as well but that’s optional all depends on your path.

Book Of Shadows

Another item that most wiccans have is a book of shadows. A book of shadows is a personal book to you that you can right down all you learn along the way and also a place to right down spells if you go on to do so. Think of it as a diary of learning you can reflect on. Also good for writing Wiccan prayers.

Wiccan Altar

As a wiccan no matter how big or small it’s good to set up a place where you can pray to the God and Goddess and decorate for the Sabbats. Some items to have on your alter can include.

  • Altar cloth
  • Athame
  • Candles
  • Statues of the god and Goddess
  • Something to represent for elements fire, water, earth, air,
  • Wand
  • Goblet
  • Art/pictures
  • And so on…..

What People Say About Wicca

Wicca can get confused in the media and put into a bad light. We do not worship the devil and we don’t sacrifice animals. Witches don’t fly about on broom sticks tern people into mice. That’s all exaggerated by modern day media. Infact did you know? A witch can be male or female as the term referse to someone who practise magic. So there is such thing as a male witch.


  • Wicca is a personal Journey.
  • Wicca consist of a God and Goddess. (Male & Female Aspect).
  • Wiccans celebrate 8 festivals a year known as Sabbats that follow the wheel of the year.
  • Most wiccans have a place to pray known as a Wiccan altar.
  • You do not have to practice witch craft to be Wiccan.
  • Wiccans follow a code known as the Wiccan rede.
  • Wiccans are close to nature and have a duty to look after the natural world.
  • Both men and women can be witches, as a witch is someone who practices witchcraft not just females.
  • There are many symbols in wicca its important to learn them what they mean.